С чего начать здоровое питание?

Time passes, seasons change one after another, and we grow up with this continuous course of things. Our growing up takes place not only as the development of individuals, but also of humanity as a whole. We become more and more conscious and wise, and these qualities transfer into all areas of our lives: we begin to be more responsible about what we consume – be it goods, services, information or food. Nutrition is one of the foundations of our life. Food accompanies us from birth to death, all life in one way or another at all times has revolved around it: the solar cult and harvest festivals that exist in all cultures, birthdays, weddings, farewells to the departed – all these holidays have always been accompanied by the gifts of nature. Nowadays, all this has taken on a hypertrophied appearance: an abundance of cafes with unhealthy but incredibly attractive food, a variety of fast food, supermarkets with shelves of chocolates and cookies, weekly food markets. The fleeting pleasures of a pastry with whipped cream, waffles with caramel and nuts, or a delicious slice of cheese pizza will pass very quickly, but the negative consequences of such pleasures have a chance to persist and accumulate. Mood swings, extra pounds, disruption of digestion and other body systems in the long term – alas, all this is more than real. A beautiful slide, ingrained in the mind through modern media, of a girl with a cake on a plate and a cup of coffee will soon be replaced by a picture of a girl with shining eyes, a plate of fresh fruit and a glass of clean spring water.

The world is changing, and the environmental, economic and human crisis is no longer a secret: we have come to the point where we must change step by step if we want to remain healthy, happy and live on a prosperous planet, and not move into a cartoon future “Wall-e” or the reality of Neo Seoul. Everything in our world is interconnected, and what we eat affects not only our condition, but also the condition of the entire planet. The more conscious choices we make, the happier and healthier both we and the entire world around us remain.

Dissatisfaction, depression, fatigue and lack of strength, wrinkles, extra centimeters, as well as environmental pollution due to excessive amounts of packaging, huge overconsumption of fuel, emissions of greenhouse gases, methane, in fact, slave labor of people in third world countries, an increase in the number of people becoming obese, diabetes and cancer in developed countries, the ever-increasing acceleration of the pace of life – all this is connected. Now let’s stop and decide that we don’t need all this.

Every person wants to be happy and loved. Let’s admit to ourselves: as a single organism, representing a synergy of living beings and the planet, we cannot be happy while one of these living beings suffers, no matter who he is. In the depths of everyone’s soul, even if this person is petrified under a layer of life’s circumstances, there is compassion for others. In order to be happy and live life to the fullest, make a decision to change – big changes begin with small steps for each of us. There’s a lot more to changing your diet than meets the eye. By changing your food preferences, not only your body, but the whole Earth will thank you.

Try to drink as much clean water as possible. We need to restore this basic need, because by and large we have forgotten how to do this. Coffee in the morning, a glass to go from a cafe, cups of tea in front of the computer, and even a bag of mate – all these drinks lead to severe dehydration. Not only do you not get the right amount of water, but you also remove it from the body in excess, leading to even greater cellular thirst, among other things, systematically overloading the adrenal glands and blood vessels. Soda, bottled sweet tea, packaged juices, and even various “fortified health drinks” will not replace your need for clean drinking water.

If you don’t already have one, create a new habit for yourself of drinking at least a glass of water after waking up and before going to bed, and also monitor how much fluid you drink during the day. Try to drink an average of 2 liters of water per day. Use the Water Balance app if you still find it difficult to independently calculate your water needs. After some time, you will get used to the new volume of liquid and will not need to enter the results.

Instead of tea, drink herbs – their range is incredibly wide and has many beneficial properties, among which everyone can find something suitable specifically for them. Herbal teas dissolve toxins, and a full volume of water helps remove them from the body.
Instead of coffee, drink in the morning a tonic, freshly squeezed vegetable juice made from cucumber and celery, beets with ginger or carrots, all with the addition of a green apple. If it is still difficult to give up coffee completely, replace it with organic cocoa or chicory. Later you can refuse them too. warm in the evenings

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